Students and the wider community benefit through the Shire of Narembeen Community Grants Programme

Published on Wednesday, 9 September 2020 at 11:29:00 AM

Sheree Thomas said “with the current restrictions on travel around the world, this technology is bringing the world and all that can be experienced to the students in their classrooms in Narembeen.  The students were having a great time exploring different markets around the world—what a different and great way to learn about other countries and experiences.”

Lynda Cornish, teacher at Narembeen District High School said “Virtual Reality (VR) has been available for several years, but only recently has it been specifically developed and adapted for education. The Class VR system enhances and extends the learning experience, delivering interactions for students that are not practical and not possible in the ‘real world’. It is possibly one of the most powerful of all technologies that could help change how we learn forever. Using the VR headsets is a tool to deepen student understanding of difficult concepts.  For example, exploring the inside of a blood vessel, the surface of the moon, comparing various man-made and natural landscapes.”

This equipment will not only benefit the students and staff at the school, but also members of the wider community. The 3-D environments provide students and citizens with the chance to experience impossible excursions or scenes from all over the world. Students will be able to introduce this technology to community members and immerse them in places and activities of particular interest, such as international art gallery visits, orchestral and music performances. It will provide both parties with a chance to interact and deepen their understandings of each other, as well as develop empathy and a widening of knowledge. In the current COVID environment this resource enables virtual visits to places all over the world that are currently physically inaccessible.

Finding educational engagement with technology in the classroom can be a challenge, especially if the technology at school is less engaging than that at home.  It is evident that finding new ways to engage students in today’s digital world is difficult, especially when home technologies such as mobile phones, tablets and game consoles are highly advanced and popular with children.  The use of positive experiences through Virtual Reality will contribute to a worthwhile healthy community, that is up with current digital trends.

The students at Narembeen DHS are very grateful for the opportunity to purchase a set of Virtual Reality Headsets through the Shire’s Community Grants Programme.


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